About this site

The girl

Name: Emily Carlin
Where: Nashville, TN
Day Job: Web designer
Fun Fact: I have two different colored eyes, one green and one brown.

Other Info: I live with my boyfriend Brandon, who is mentioned quite often since he’s my main taste tester. When I’m not working or cooking I spend a lot of time outside in my garden.

The site

The Beginning: In 2008, after years of eating out at cheap restaurants for the majority of the week and rarely cooking, I finally got to the point where I just did not want to step foot in one more restaurant. I was tired of the unhealthy food, the money wasted and it was finally motivation enough to get me back to my kitchen.

I started this site as a way to chronicle this new part of my life, but also to be able to share recipes and tips and learn new things. Since I love taking photos, this has given me a wonderful new outlet for that as well.

About the Recipes: I’m not a gourmet. I’m a picky eater. I love Top Chef, but I’d probably only eat half of what those guys come up with. However, I’m trying very hard to expand my horizons and eat more of a variety of foods. Joining my local CSA in early 2011 has helped with this immensely.

I have always been partial to baking, but I really don’t need the excuse to make more desserts, so I try to share a variety of recipes, sometimes healthy, sometimes not. I’m more concerned about fresh, unprocessed food that tastes good and is simple to make. I do try to stay away from very high fat/calorie foods, but I have to splurge sometimes (especially around the holidays)! You can view the Recipe Index for a categorized listing of all the recipes here.


I welcome your comments, suggestions, questions, etc. You can contact me using this handy-dandy contact form or you can email me directly: emily [at] backtothecuttingboard.com

Copyright and usage

This site is 100% me. I write all the content and I take all the photos. I’ve put in a lot of hours here, so please don’t steal my hard work!

Photos: You may post one of my photos on your own website or blog ONLY if you provide a credit to Emily Carlin or Back to the Cutting Board AND a link back either to the original post or to the home page. If you don’t do either of these things I will consider it stealing and take the proper actions to get my content removed from your site. If you want to use more than one of my photos or if you want to use the photos for any kind of commercial purposes, please contact me and ask first. I’m generally open to these kinds of things, but it’s just common courtesy to ask.

Recipes: I always credit where I get any recipes I post here. You can’t really copyright a recipe, but you can copyright the wording of a recipe. As such, I never copy someone’s recipe word-for-word and I would ask that you do the same.

The point of this site is to share recipes and I would love it if you try one of my recipes and post about it on your own blog, but just don’t copy it exactly. Write the instructions out in your own words! Edit it, add to it, make notes about what did and didn’t work for you. Believe me, your readers will appreciate it if you take the extra time to do this rather than just copy and paste someone else’s work. If you don’t have the time/desire to rewrite a recipe, I’d ask you to link directly to my post rather than copying it wholesale onto your blog.

I’m very honored to be featured on these blogs and websites:

Photo galleries:

Pinterest Tastespotting FoodGawker

Other places to find me