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Bran Muffins

I haven’t eaten enough bran muffins to say if these are the best ever but these muffins are pretty damn good. In fact, I thought they tasted a lot like these molasses cookies [1], which are a favorite of mine. Any muffin that tastes like a cookie is a win for me, so I liked these a lot.

Bran Muffins

The only thing I wasn’t on board with was the fruit in them. The original recipe, which is from the current month’s issue of Everyday Food, had pineapple. The adapted recipe that I used has canned peaches instead. I don’t like peaches, (especially canned peaches) so I went with pineapple. Since I love pineapple I thought I would love pineapple in bran muffins, but I really didn’t. It just stood out too much to me. I also felt it made the muffins too mushy in spots, especially considering they are already very moist in the first place. Next time I think I’ll use raisins or cranberries. Apples or bananas might also work well. Your mileage may vary depending on what kinds of fruit you like so you could adapt it to your tastes.

Honestly, these muffins are flavorful enough by themselves that they don’t even need fruit added. Considering most bran muffins I’ve tried have tasted bland, I think that’s saying a lot. The molasses, brown sugar and spices really make these muffins shine.

Get the recipe over on Sarah Jio’s blog. [2]

Bran Muffins

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Quickie: Best Bran Muffins ever?

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